MyMoves 0.2.1: Vibra feedback, Bring back simple 3-finger gestures


Wohoo, MyMoves got its first patch! \o/

Thanks to this patch from ledimies, we’ve now got vibra feedback
support in the application. It follows the system feedback profiles, so if you turn off the feedback,
MyMoves won’t vibrate either.

The vibra feedback is played each time a gesture is successfully recognized. This is very useful since
now you will know if MyMoves recognized your gesture or if the start of the action/application/bookmark
is the one taking a bit more time.

The other addition in this version are 8 three-finger gestures, the same simple ones as in
the two-finger case: up, down, left, right and the corner-to-corner gestures.

Version 0.2.1 is now pending in the Store QA process, hopefully it’ll arrive soon : )

Enjoy your moves!

About sandst1
A technology-oriented guy interested in all-round creativity, be it music, art, or putting software together for creating something new and expressing oneself

21 Responses to MyMoves 0.2.1: Vibra feedback, Bring back simple 3-finger gestures

  1. Jed says:

    Wow a surprising little boost….
    I hope we get more peeps who come along & help like that, excellent news!

  2. Hakan says:

    Hi, does this app has an effect on idle battery consumption?

  3. Pingback: MyMoves 0.2.1: Vibra Feedback, Bring back Simple 3-Finger Gestures

  4. José Xavier says:

    Did you try use qDebug after use QFeedbak? qDegug stop working for me :s

  5. Hakan says:

    Still waiting for the update on Ovi… Why don’t you share the debian directly?

    • sandst1 says:

      Because Store updates work for everybody, also for
      them not using developer mode in their phone.

      Please, have a little patience. I sent 0.2.1 to Ovi for QA Approval on Sunday, so it’s now the second working day for the QA people 😀 Anyways, it was approved today, should pop up in the store in a few hours (according to their mail).

  6. Y says:

    any way to disable the quicklaunchn bar? dont need it if i have my moves

  7. tomkor says:

    Hi, My Moves is definitely a gem, love the functionality it provides! =)

    Is it possible for it to unlock the device. If I use it on the lock screen the device remains locked even though the action is launched in the background?

    Also would it possible to implement actions on single finger semi circle draw from the screen edge back to same edge, less than halfway across the screen – would enable thumb swipe actions and single finger use?

    • sandst1 says:

      Hi, thanks : )

      I’m not a too big fan of global single-finger gestures since they really
      easily get into conflict with apps, and especially games (also, try
      to play 4-5 -finger piano on an iPad with multitouch gestures enabled).

      Doing something for the lock screen could be possible, e.g. performing an action when
      the lock screen is swiped away, so there you would have 4 lock-screen specific gestures.

  8. Jed says:

    dev from you has totally stalled for quite some time, any plans for more work?
    We would love to see a totally overhauled/revamped MyMoves!
    More engagement at would quickly net you a strong following again in the form of: feedback, contribution (if your project’s totally FOSS), or donations!

  9. sandst1 says:

    > Any plans for maemo/meego/Qt dev at all???
    > Cheers.

    Not now. I like to do things from here and there, lately it has been about
    playing around with electronics, Arduino + also some web development : )

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